Spiritual Formation Lessons
Teaching toward transformation is one of my passions. I love bringing Scripture and theology alive in people’s lives so that they can apply them toward growth and work in the world.
Below are some of the lessons I’ve created for Adult Formation classes in different parishes. Each is adapted to the local needs and interests of the group, but can be seen as examples of the kind of work I do.
My illustration of the cosmic model underlying early Genesis,
first created for my book.
The Primordial History
The first eleven chapters of Genesis are full of parables and myths that continue to reverberate through and challenge our world today. In 2017 I created a series of six lessons including unique translations of the Hebrew that introduce the texts and contexts for folks to apply toward their own spiritual journeys. Contact me if you want them formatted to print in booklets for your own classes.
Creation in Three Voices (Genesis 1:1-2:25 + Astrahasis)
The Eden Narrative (Genesis 2:4-3:25) updated v. 2020
Cain and Abel (Genesis 4)
Book of Begettings (Genesis 5:1-6:4)
The Deluge (Genesis 6-9) with script for group recitation
The Towering-Tower (Genesis 10-11) single page version
Visual timeline of the development of the Hebrew Bible; download PDF.
The Bible: A Human Library
This three-part series looks at what scripture is across different religious traditions, and then examines the development process of what has come to be the Christian Scriptures.
Orthodox icon: Nativity of Our Lord
The First Christmas
This four-part Advent series read and compared the different birth narratives in scripture, looking for layers of meaning. We read each of the biblical accounts carefully before turning to discussing the material in the handouts.
Through the Eyes of Matthew
(reading: Matthew’s Nativity)Luke’s Accurate Account
(reading: Luke’s Parallel Accounts)Beginning Again
(readings: John’s Prologue & Revelation)
Illumination featuring Sophia, the embodiment of wisdom
Wisdom: Epiphany and Enlightenment
This series for the Season after Epiphany (offered in 2020) explores the Wisdom writings in our scriptures and pairs them with introducing spiritual practices.
Starting the Conversation + Reading: Proverbs
Going Within + Reading: Psalms
Accessing Wisdom (Centering Prayer) + Reading: Wisdom
Wisdom as Depth (Lectio Divina) + Reading: Ecclesiasticus
Connections of Wisdom (Chanting Psalms) + Song of Songs
Seeing Through Wisdom (Praying with Icons) + Ecclesiastes
Anglicanism 101: Confirmation
In five sessions, created with the Season of Lent in mind, we explore the distinctives of the Anglican tradition to which the Episcopal Church belongs.
Anglican Saints
Anglican Identity
Anglican Prayer
Orthodox icon of The Resurrection of Christ
Re-reading Resurrection
During one Easter season (2018) we made a close reading of the Resurrection texts in Scripture and the overall understanding of the afterlife from the oldest Old Testament texts to Daniel and Maccabees over five sessions.
Doctrines Series
In 2018 our theologically-progressive and tradition-skeptical discussion group explored some basic doctrines in search of expanding our understandings of what is possible in the tradition and taking as our theme:
True doctrine heals; it is a “doctor for our souls.”
Assorted Lessons
The following are a variety of one-off lessons I have created for various sessions.
The Viper of Copper (Numbers 21)
Mark’s Choice (The Passion of the Palms)
Cutting the Covenant into the Heart (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
Genocide and the Other (Joshua, Deuteronomy, and Roland)
Re-reading Leviticus (Leviticus 1:1-9)
I’ve also taught on the topic of the spiritual development and the Stages of Faith in a variety of different settings and styles.